Keewwatootaaf Handaarota Qindeessi

Akkaataa Handaara Durahiikamee Qindeessuu

  1. Keewwata handaara hiikuu barbaadde sanaaf qaree keewwaticha keessa ka'i.

  2. Dhangii - Keewwataa - Handaarotaa fili.

  3. IddooDurtii keessaa akkaataalee handaara durtii keessaa tokko fili.

  4. Select a line style, width and color for the selected border style in the Line area. These settings apply to all border lines that are included in the selected border style.

  5. Select the distance between the border lines and the paragraph contents in the Padding area. You can only change distances to edges that have a border line defined.

  6. Jijjiiramoota fayyadamuufTOLE cuqaasi.

Akkaataa Handaaraa Maamilaa'e Qindeessuu.

  1. Dhangii - Keewwataa - Handaarotaa fili.

  2. Teessuma waliinii keessati qarqara(oota) akka mul'atan barbaaddu iddooHiika Fayyadamaa keessaa fili. Filannoo qarqaraa jijijjiiruuf qarqara durargii keessaa irratti cuqaasi.

  3. Select a line style, width and color for the selected border style in the Line area. These settings apply to all border lines that are included in the selected border style.

  4. Qarqara handaaraa kamuufuu dhawwatiiwwan dhumaa lama irra deebi'i.

  5. Select the distance between the border lines and the paragraph contents in the Padding area. You can only change distances to edges that have a border line defined.

  6. Jijjiiramoota fayyadamuufTOLE cuqaasi.