Masaka Gabaasaa

Activates the wizard for creating reports.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Gabaasa Umuuf Masaka fayyadami faayilii foddaa kuusaa deetaa cuqaasi.

Gabaasota Kuusdeetaa Fayyadamuu fi Gulaaluu

Amaloota gabaasaa filadhu.

Masaka gabaasaa - filannoo dirree

Specifies the table or query for which you are creating the report, and which fields you wish to include in the report.

Masaka gabaasa - Dirreewwan Asxeessuu

Specifies how you want to label the fields.

Masaka Gabaasa - Gurmeessuu

You can group records in a report based on the values in one or more fields. Select the fields by which the resulting report will be grouped. You can group up to four fields in a report. When you group more than one field, LibreOffice nests the groups according to their group level.

Masaka Gabaasaa - dirqaloota Foo'i

Select the fields by which to sort the report. Fields can be sorted by up to four levels, each either ascending or descending. Grouped fields can only be sorted within each group.

Masaka Gabaasaa - Teessuma Filadhu

Choose the layout from different templates and styles, and choose landscape or portrait page orientation.

Masaka Gabaasa - Gabaasa Uumi

You can create the report as a static or dynamic report. When you open a dynamic report, it will display with the current data contents. When you open a static report, it will always display the same data from the time when the static report was created.


Dhiisi cuqaasuun jijjiirama wrramee tokkolee osso olhinkaaiin qaaqa cufa.


Filannoowwan qaaqa keessatti ejattoo duraa irratti uumaman mul'isi. Qabduun kun fuula lama irraa qofa kakkaafamuu danda'a.

Itti aanee

Qabduu itti aanee cuqaaasi, akkasumas masakichi haalataalee qaaqa ammee fayyadama sana booda gara eejjatoo itti aanutti fufa. Yoo eejattoo xumuraa irra jiraatte, qabduun kun Uumi ta'a.