
In the Insert Database Columns dialog, select the Table option to insert the selected data into the document as a table. In the dialog, you can decide which database fields or columns are transferred, and how the text table is formatted.


In the Table area, use the arrow keys to select the columns of the database table that you want to apply to the text table.

Sarjaawwan kuusaa deetaa

Specifies the database columns to be inserted into the text table. All database table columns that have not been accepted in the Table column(s) list box are listed here. The entries are sorted alphabetically.

Sarjaa gabatee(s)

Lists all database columns to be inserted into the document. A column will be assigned to each corresponding entry in the table. The entry order in the Table column(s) list box determines the data order in the text table.


Moves all listed database fields into the Table column(s) list box. All fields listed in the Table column(s) list box are inserted into the document.


Moves the selected database field into the Table column(s) list box. You can also double click an entry to move it to the Table column(s) list box. All fields listed in the Table column(s) list box are inserted into the document.


Dirreewwan kuusaa deetaa mara sanduuqa tarree Sarjaa gabatee(wwan) Dirreen haqame gara galmeetti hin saagamne.


Dirreewwan kuusaa deetaa mara sanduuqa tarree Sarjaa gabatee(s) haqa.


Dhangii gara dirreewwan kuusaa deetaatti gara galmetti saagame.

Kuusaa deeetaa irraa

Dhangiiwwan kuusaa deetaa fudhata.


Specifies a format from the list, if the format information of certain data fields is not accepted. The formats supplied here are only available for certain database fields, such as numeric or Boolean fields. If you select a database field in text format, you will not be able to select any format from the selection list, since the text format will be automatically maintained.

If the format you want is not listed, select "Other Formats..." and define the desired format in the Number Format dialog.

The number format assigned using the selection list always refers to the database field selected in the Database columns list box.

Sajoo Yaaddannoo

To insert the data into the document in the form of a table, the correct Table option must be active. You can then select a database field from the Table column(s) list box to define the formatting of the database field. The changes to the number formats will be applied to the last selection. It does not matter whether the database field was selected from the Database columns list box or from the Table column(s) list box.

Mataduree gabatee saagi

Specifies whether to insert a heading line for the columns in the text table.

Maqaa tarjaa fayyadami

Uses the field names of the database table as headings for each of the text table columns.

Tarree qofa uumi

Inserts an empty heading line into the text table. Using the Create row only option, you can define headings in the document, which do not correspond to the database field names.


Opens the dialog, which enables you to define the table properties such as borders, background, and column width.


Opens the dialog, in which you can select format styles that are immediately applied when inserting the table.