Amaloota addaa dirree dhangi'amee

Dhaangessuu: Amala Dhangessuu qabduu ... cuqaasun qaaqaDhangessuu sarara Amaloota: Dirree Dhangi'e qindeessu dandeessa. Qaaqni Lakkoofsa Dhangii ni mul'ata.

Yoo dirreen dhangi'ame gara barruu dirree kuusaa deetaatti waliindhame, galfatni dirree kana keessaa akka barrutti yaalama. yoo dirreen dhangi'ame gara dirree kuusaa deetaa akka lakkoofsatti agarsiifame waliindhame, naqni akka lakkoofsotatti yaalama. Guyyaa fi yerolleen keessaan akka lakkoofsotatti qabamu.

Min. value and Max. value: You can enter the minimum and maximum numeric value for a formatted field. The min and max values determine the output of existing data (Example: Min. value is 5, the connected database field contains the integer value 3. The output is 5, but the value in the database is not modified) and the input of new data (Example: Max. value is 10 and you enter 20. The input is corrected and 10 is written in the database). If the fields are not filled in for Min. value and Max. value, no limits will be applied. For formatted fields that are connected to a database text field, these two values and the Default value do not apply.

Gatii durtii: Gatiin kun akka gatii durtiitti galmee haaraaf qindeessa.