
Galtee sagantaaf maakiroo moggaasa. Maakiroon moggaafame yeroo mara galtee filameef battalumaan kaachisa.

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Choose Tools - Customize - Events tab.

Keessa Olkaa'i

Select first where to save the event binding, in the current document or in LibreOffice.

Sajoo Yaaddannoo

Maakiroon galmee waliin olkaa'ame yeroo galmee baname qofa ka'a.

The big list box lists the events and the assigned macros. After you selected the location in the Save In list box, select an event in the big list box. Then click Assign Macro.

Maakroo Ramadi

Opens the Macro Selector to assign a macro to the selected event.

Maakroo Haqi

Deletes the macro assignment for the selected event.