
Dirqaalee ofumaan barruu akka barreesitu bakka buusuu qindeessa.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose Tools - AutoCorrect - AutoCorrect Options.

Yeroo kabala iddoo erga jecha galchiteen booda dhiibdu qindaa'inni of sirreessaa fayyadama.

To turn on or to turn off the AutoCorrect feature, in LibreOffice Calc choose Tools - AutoInput, and in LibreOffice Writer choose Tools - AutoCorrect - While Typing. To apply the AutoCorrect settings to an entire text document, choose Tools - AutoCorrect - Apply.

Bakka buusi

Gabatee bakka bu'iinsaa Ofumaan sirreessuudhaaf ykn jechoota bakka buusuu ykn gabaajee galmee kee keessaa gulaala.


Gabaajeewwanii fi walmakinsa qubee LibreOffice hin barbaadne ofumaan sirreessuuf murteessi.


Dirqaalee dogoggora ofumaan sirreessuu akka barreessitutti fifli. Ittaansuudhaan TOLE cuqaasi.


Specify the AutoCorrect options for quotation marks and for options that are specific to the language of the text.

Dialog Buttons


Resets modified values back to the tab page previous values.


Closes dialog and discards all changes.


Saves all changes and closes dialog.