
Changes the coloring of the selected 3D object.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Baafata halqara wanta 3D bani, caancalaDhangii - Galteewwan 3D - Meeshaa fili


Gurmoo halluu durmurtaawaa ramada ykn gurmoo halluu ofii keetti akka uumtu si'i gargaara.


Select a predefined color scheme, or select User-defined to define a custom color scheme.

Halluu wantaa

Select the color that you want to apply to the object.

Halluu Qaaqa Halluu keessaan fili

LibreOffice lets you define custom colors using a two-dimensional graphic and numerical gradient chart of the Pick a Color dialog.


Press the Color Dialog button in the Illumination tab of the 3D Effects dialog.

Halluu ibsaa

Select the color to illuminate the object.

Halluu Qaaqa Halluu keessaan fili

LibreOffice lets you define custom colors using a two-dimensional graphic and numerical gradient chart of the Pick a Color dialog.


Press the Color Dialog button in the Illumination tab of the 3D Effects dialog.


Amaloota balaqqeessa'uu ifaa wanticha filatameef qindeessa.


Select the color that you want the object to reflect.

Halluu Qaaqa Halluu keessaan fili

LibreOffice lets you define custom colors using a two-dimensional graphic and numerical gradient chart of the Pick a Color dialog.


Press the Color Dialog button in the Illumination tab of the 3D Effects dialog.

Miira olaanaa

Enter the intensity of the specular effect.