
Geessituu haaraaramada ykn geessituu filatame gulaala. Geessituun kornyoo faayilii Intareetii irraa ykn sirna naannoo keeirraa.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Cancala Dhangii - Arfii - Geessituufili


Amala geessituuf ifteessi.


Enter a URLfaayilii banuu barbaadduuf galchi,yeroo geessituu cuqaastu. Goodayyaa galtee yoo hin ifteessuu hin dandeenye, fayilichii galmee ammee ykn goodayyaa keessatti bana.


Locate the file that you want to link to, and then click Open.


Enter the text that you want to display for the hyperlink.


Specify an event that triggers when you click the hyperlink.


Enter a name for the hyperlink. LibreOffice inserts a NAME tag in the hyperlink:

<A HREF="" NAME="Nametext" TARGET="_blank">Yaadannoo</A>


Maqaa goodayyaa faayilii kornyaate keessatti banuuf barbaadde, ykn goodayyaa durmurtaa`aa tarree irraa galchi. Sanduuqa kana duwwaa yoodhiifte, fayiliin kornyate foddaa iyyaafataa ammee keessatti bana.

Maqaa Goodayyaa


Galwwan maqeeffame

Faayiliin goodayyaa maqeeffame galmee ammee HTML keessatti bana.


Faayiliin goodayyaa ammee keessatti bana.


Faayiliin fuula haaraa keessaa bana.


Faayiliin goodayyaa haadhoo kan goodayyaa ammee keessaa bana. Yoo goodayyaan haadhoo hinjirre, goodayyaan ammee ni fayyada.


Faayiliin irra keessa goodayyaa sadarkaadhaan bana.

Haalata Arfii

Dirqaalawwan Dhaangessuu geeituudhaaf ifteessi.

Kornyoowwan imale

Select a formatting style to use for visited links from the list. To add or modify a style in this list, close this dialog, and click the Styles icon on the Formatting toolbar.

Kornyoowwan hin imale

Select a formatting style to use for unvisited links from the list. To add or modify a style in this list, close this dialog, and click the Styles icon on the Formatting toolbar.