Galteewwan Bocquu

Specify the font effects that you want to use.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Cancala Dhangii - Arfii -Galteewwan - Bocquufili

Choose View - Styles - open context menu of an entry and choose Modify/New - Font Effects tab

Jecha hundaa qaree qabate ykn barruu haaraa barreessituf jijjiiramni filannooammeef fayyada.

Halluu Bocaquu

Barruu filameef halluu qinddeesi. Duubbee ifaa guraacha akkasumas duubbee dukkanaaf immoo halluu barruu adii qindeessuuf, ofumaa fili.

Sajoo Ofegannoo

The text color is ignored on screen, if the Use automatic font color for screen display check box is selected in - LibreOffice - Accessibility.


Barruu filameef fayyadamuuf hirpha galtee fili. Hirphi dhiita'aa arfiileen yemmuu fuulaa ol ka`an akka argaman taasisa. Hirphi dhooqataa arfiileen yemmuu gara fuulaatti dhiibaman akka argaman godha.


Displays the outline of the selected characters. This effect does not work with every font.


Adds a shadow that casts below and to the right of the selected characters.


Haalata sarara irraaf fayyadamuu barbaadde filadhu. Jecha qofaaf sarara irraa fayyadamuuf, saanduqa Jechoota Dhuunfaafiladhu.

Halluu sarararraa

Halluu hulaa soraa sararootaa fili.

Irra Sarari

Select a strikethrough style for the selected text.

Sajoo Yaaddannoo

If you save your document in Microsoft Word format, all of the strikethrough styles are converted to the single line style.


Haalata sarara irraaf fayyadamuu barbaadde filadhu. Jecha qofaaf sarara irraa fayyadamuuf, saanduqa Jechoota Dhuunfaafiladhu.

Sajoo Yaaddannoo

Jalmuruu barruu irraarfiitti yoo fayyadamte, jalmuriin sadarkaa irraarfiitti guddateera. Irraarfiin yoo barruu baramoo, waliin jecha keessatti qabatamee, jalmuriin hin guddatu.

Sajoo Kabala Dhangeessuu irratti:



Halluu jalamuri

Halluu hulaa soraa sararootaa fili.

Jechoota dhuunfaa

Applies the selected effect only to words and ignores spaces.

Gargaarsa Afaan Eeshiyaa

These commands can only be accessed after you enable support for Asian languages in - Language Settings - Languages.

Mallattoo xiyyeeffannaa

Select a character to display over or below the entire length of the selected text.


Specify where to display the emphasis marks.

Dirree Durargii

Durargii filannoo ammee agarsiisi.