Himannoowwan Idilee Tarree



Arfii kamuu

Arfiilee kenname bakka bu'a ta'uu baannan ifteefameera.


Arfii baaqqee kamuu cita sararaattii ala ykn cita keewwataa bakka bu'a. Fakkenyaaf jecha "sh.rt" lamaanuu deebisa "qomee fi gabaabaa"


Jecha barbaadii qofa barbaada. Yoo jechi jalqabaa keewwataa wantoota addayaa kanneen akka dirreewwan duwwa ykn arfii-goodayyaawwan korkodaaye jalqabbiin keewwataa tuffatamaniini. Fakkenyaaf: "^peter".


Jecha barbaadii qofa barbaada. Yoo jechi xumura keewwataatti mul'ata. Wantoonni addayaa kanneen akka dirreewwan duwwaa ykn arfii keewwataa tuffatamaniiru Fakkenyaaf: "pete$".

$ on its own matches the end of a paragraph. This way it is possible to search and replace paragraph breaks.


Arfilee zeeroo ykn isaa ol fuuldura "*". Fakkenyaf, "Ab*c"barbaada"Ac","Abc", "Abbc", "Abbbc", fi kan kaanneen fakkaatu barbaada.


Arifiilee tokko ykn isaa ol fuulduura"+". Fakkenyaaf, "Ax+41" barbaada "Ax*41", garuu "Ax*4" miti barbaada.

Diraa baay'ee dheeraa barbaacha kana kan miilu haala keewwata keessaa yeroo hundaa argama. Keewwanni yoo diraa "Ax4ax4" karaan hundi shoolame.


Arfiilee zeeroo ykn tokkoo fuula dura "?" barbaada. Fakkenyaf, "Barruulee" barbaa "Barruu" fi "Baruulee" fi "x(ab|c)?y" barbaada "xy", "xaby" ykn "xcy".


Arfii addayaa hiikuu kan "\" akka arfii bartamootti hordofuu fi akka himannoo idileetti miti (waliin makiisaan ala \n, \t, \>, fi \<). fakkeenyaaf, "tree\." "tree.", not "treed" ykn "trees" barbaada.


Represents a line break that was inserted with the Shift+Enter key combination. To change a line break into a paragraph break, enter \n in the Find and Replace boxes, and then perform a search and replace.

\n in the Find text box stands for a line break that was inserted with the Shift+Enter key combination.

\n in the Replace text box stands for a paragraph break that can be entered with the Enter or Return key.


Represents a tab. You can also use this expression in the Replace box.


Match a word boundary. For example, "\bbook" finds "bookmark" but not "checkbook" whereas "book\b" finds "checkbook" but not "bookmark". The discrete word "book" is found by both search terms.


Keewwata duwwaa barbaada.


Arfii ka'uumsa keewwataa barbaada.

& ykn $0

Adds the string that was found by the search criteria in the Find box to the term in the Replace box when you make a replacement.

For example, if you enter "window" in the Find box and "&frame" in the Replace box, the word "window" is replaced with "windowframe".

You can also enter an "&" in the Replace box to modify the Attributes or the Format of the string found by the search criteria.


Arfiilee sadallaa gidduu jiran tokko bakka bu'a.


Represents any of the characters that are between a and e, including both start and end characters

The characters are ordered by their code numbers.


Arfiilee kamuu kan a-e gidduu fi h-x bakka bu'a.


Arfii kamuu kan a fi s gidduu hin taane bakka bu'a.



Represents a character based on its four-digit hexadecimal Unicode code (XXXX).

For obscure characters there is a separate variant with capital U and eight hexadecimal digits (XXXXXXXX).

For certain symbol fonts the code for special characters may depend on the used font. You can view the codes by choosing Insert - Special Character.


Finds the terms that occur before the "|" and also finds the terms that occur after the "|". For example, "this|that" finds "this" and "that".


Lakkoofas sa'aatiiwwan kan arfii fuuldura sadallaa banuutti uumaman hiika. Fakkeenyaaf ,"tre{2}" "mucha" barbaada.


Lakkoofas sa'aatiiwwan kan arfii fuuldura sadallaa banuutti uumamuu danda'u hiika. Fakkeenyaaf ,"tre{2}" "mucha" "treee fi" "treeeee" hiika.


Lakkoofas sa'aatiiwwan kan arfii fuuldura sadallaa banuutti uumamuu danda'u hiika. Fakkeenyaaf ,"tre{2}" "mucha" "treee fi" "treeeee" hiika.

( )

In the Find box:

Arfiileen golbee lakkuu keessa akka wabii,ittaansuun gara wabii jalqabaa himannoo waliini ammee keessaa wabeffachuu dandeessa "\1", waabii lammaffa "\2" fi kkf.

Fakkeenyaaf, yoo barruun kee lakkofsa 13487889 qabatee fi himannoo idilee fayyadamuu dhaan (8)7\1\1,"8788" barbaaduu ni argama.

Dabalataaniis () jechoota gurmeessuuf fayyadama, fakkeenyaaf "a(bc)?d" ykn "ad" ykn "abcd".

In the Replace box:

Wabiiwwan bakka buusuuf $(doolaara) iddoo \ (backslash)fayyadami. Diraa guutuu jiru bakka buusuuf $0 gargaarami.


Represents an alphabetic character. Use [:alpha:]+ to find one or more of them.


Represents a decimal digit. Use [:digit:]+ to find one or more of them.


Arfii katabbii ([:alfaa:] fi [:lakqurxaa:]).


Arfii maxxanfamuu danda'u bakka bu'a (but not other whitespace characters).


Arfii maxxanfamuu dandaa'an bakka bu'a.


Arfii hin maxxanfamne bakka bu'a.


Arfii qubee xixiqqaa bakka bakka bu'a yoo Walsiimani qubee Dirqalawwan keessattii filatame.


Arfii qubee guddaa bakka bakka bu'a yoo Walsiimani qubee Dirqalawwan keessattii filatame.


e([:digit:])? -- finds 'e' followed by zero or one digit. Note that currently all named character classes like [:digit:] must be enclosed in parentheses.

^([:digit:])$ -- finds lines or cells with exactly one digit.

Barbaachaa xaxaa uumuuff jechoota barbaachaa waliin makkuu ni dandeessa.

Lakkoofsa lakqurxaa-sadee keewwataa keessaa qofaa issaa barbaaduuf.


^ jechuun walsimni jalqaba keewwataatti ta'uu qaba jechuudha,

[:lakkqurxa:] lakqurxaa kurnyee kamuu walsima,

{3} jechuun dirrqamaa sirrumaan 3 kan \"lak qurxaa\" ta'uu qaba,

$ jechuun walsimni dirqama dhuma keewwataatti jechuudha.