Barbaadi & BakkabuusiBarbaadi & Bakkabuusi

Finds or replaces text or formats in the current document.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Guulaalii - Baarbaadi akkasumaas Bakka Buusi Fili


Kabala Durtiirra,


Barbaadi fi Bakkabuusi


Enter the text that you want to find, or select a previous search from the list.

Search options are listed under the Find box and in the Other options area of the dialog.

Match case

Distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase characters.

Searches for whole words or cells that are identical to the search text.


Barruu bakka buufamaa, ykn barruu dhihoo bakka buufamu fili ykn haalata tarree irra galchi.

Replacement options are listed under the Find box and in the Other options area of the dialog.

Miseensota barruu mara ykn dhangii ati galmee keessa barbaadduuf (Barreessafi galmeewwan Calc keessaa qofa) barbaada akkasumas fila.

Find Previous

Finds and selects the previous occurrence of the text or format that you are searching for in the document.

Find Next

Finds and selects the next occurrence of the text or format that you are searching for in the document.


Barruu filatamee ykn dhangii ati barbaadduuf bakka buusa, ittaansuudhaan taatee ittaanuuf barbaadi.

Mara Bakkabuusa

Replaces all of the occurrences of the text or format that you want to replace.

Other options

Shows more or fewer search options. Click this label again to hide the extended search options.

Current selection only

Searches only the selected text or cells.

Replace backwards

Search starts at the current cursor position and goes backwards to the beginning of the file.

Walfakkaatina Barbaadi

Find terms that are similar to the Find text. Select this checkbox, and then click the Similarities button to define the similarity options.

Yabbina arfiitiin walsima(afaanotani Eshiyaa qofa yoo danda'an)

Unkaawwan arfii yabbuu-walakkaa fi yabbuu-guutuu gidduu adda baasa.

Sagaloota akka(Jappan) (afaanota Eshiiyaa qofa yoo danda'an)

Meedirqaala barbaachaa yaadannoo walfakkaataa barruu Jappaan keessatti fayyadu yogguu ifteessi. Sanduuqa yaadannoo kana fili, ittiaansuudhaan dirqaalawwan barbaachaa ifteessuuf ...qabduu cuqaasi.

Jappan keessa barbaaduu


Qaaqa cufee jijjiiramoota mara ol kaa'a.

Sajoo Qaxxee

Erga qaaqa Bakkabuusi $ Barbaadii cufteen booda, hanga ammaatti ulaagaa barbaacha dhuumaa galchite fayyadamuudhaan barbaaduu ni dandeessa, Jijjiirraa++F dhiibuudhaan.