Giddu galeessa

Lakkoofsa dur murtaawaa hammamtaa dhangiiwwani irraa hammamtaa kaardii daldala kee fili,ykn hammamtaa dhangii Caancala Dhangii irratti murteessitu fila.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Faayilii - Haaraa - Kaardii Daldalaa - Giddugaleessaa caancalaa filadhu


Kaardii daldala keetiif hammamtaa dhangii fili.


Prints business cards on continuous paper.


Prints business cards on individual sheets.


Select the brand of paper that you want to use. Each brand has its own size formats.


Select the size format that you want to use. The available formats depend on what you selected in the Brand list. If you want to use a custom size format, select [User], and then click the Format tab to define the format.


The paper type and the dimensions of the business card are displayed at the bottom of the Format area.