Alaagii Barruu

Deetaa daangessaaf dirqalee alaagi qindeessa.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Faayilii - Banaa - "Akaakuu faayilii" jalaa fili: "Barruu CSV" filadhu.

Choose Deetaa - Barruu gara Sarjaatti (Calc)


Qindaa'ina Arfii

Qindaa'ina arfii faayilii alaagame keessatti fayyade ifteessi.


Qindaa'inoota maxxansaa wardiileedhaaf ifteessa.

If Language is set to Default (for CSV import) or Automatic (for HTML import), Calc will use the globally set language. If Language is set to a specific language, that language will be used when importing numbers.

When importing an HTML document, the Language selection can conflict with the global HTML option Use 'English (USA)' locale for numbers. The global HTML option is effective only when the Automatic language option is selected. If you select a specific language in the HTML Import Options dialog, the global HTML option is ignored.


Tarree iddoo alaagii jalqabuu barbaaddu ifteessi. Tarreen foddaa durargii keessatti qaaqa jalatti ni mul'ata.

Dirqaalee gargareessaa

Deetaan kee gargareessoota ykn dalgeewwan dhaabbataa akka daangeessatti fayyadamuu isaa ifteessa.

Dalgee Dhaabbataa

Deetaa dalgee-dhaabbataa (lakkofsa arfiiwwan walqixaa) sarjoota keessatti gargarbaasa. Sarartoo foddaa durargii keessa jiru irratti cuqasi dalgee qindeessuuf.

Ittin gargarbahe

Gargarbaasaa deetaa kee keessatti fayyade fili.


Deetaa daangeffame gurroon tarjoota keessatti gargarbaasa.


Deetaa daangeffame Xumurlaphiiwwaniin tarjoota keessatti gargarbaasa.


Deetaa daangeffame qoodduun tarjoota keessatti gargarbaasa.


Deetaa daangeffame iddooleedhhan tarjoota keessatti gargarbaasa.


Separates data into columns using the custom separator that you specify. Note: The custom separator must also be contained in your data.

Daangessitoota maki

Daangessitoota walitti aanan makuu fi derroota deetaa duwwaa haquu.

Trim spaces

Removes starting and trailing spaces from data fields.

String delimiter

Deetaa barruu daangessuuf arfii filadhu. Itti dabalees arfii saanduqa barruu keessa saaguu dandeessa.

Dirqaalaalee biroo

Waliigala PDF dirqaalee aleergii qindeessa.

Format quoted field as text

When this option is enabled, fields or cells whose values are quoted in their entirety (the first and last characters of the value equal the text delimiter) are imported as text.

Tuuta lakkoofsa dhugaa

When this option is enabled, Calc will automatically detect all number formats, including special number formats such as dates, time, and scientific notation.

The selected language influences how such special numbers are detected, since different languages and regions many have different conventions for such special numbers.

When this option is disabled, Calc will detect and convert only decimal numbers. The rest, including numbers formatted in scientific notation, will be imported as text. A decimal number string can have digits 0-9, thousands separators, and a decimal separator. Thousands separators and decimal separators may vary with the selected language and region.

Skip empty cells

When this option is enabled, Calc preserves previous content of cells when pasting empty ones. Otherwise, Calc deletes content of previous cells.

In Text to Columns conversion, if cell content begins with a separator and this option is disabled, then first column will be emptied.


Tarjaa keessatti yommuu deetaan kee gargarbahu maal akka fakkaatu mul'isa.

Akaakuu tarjaa

Tarjaa foddaa durargii keessatti filiitii akaakuu deetaa deetaa alaagame fayyadu fili. Filannoowwan armaan gadii keessaa tokko filachuu ni dandeeassa:




LibreOffice akaakuu murteessi.


Deetaan alaagame akka barruutti ilaalama.

Guyyaa (DMY)

Dhangii guyyaa (Guyyaa, Ji'a, Waggaa) fayyadami tarjaa deetaa alaagame keessatti.

Guyyaa (MDY)

Dhangii guyyaa (Ji'a, Guyyaa, Waggaa) fayyadami tarjaa deetaa alaagame keessatti.

Guyyaa (YMD)

Dhangii guyyaa (Waggaa, Ji'a, Guyyaa) fayyadami tarjaa deetaa alaagame keessatti.

Ingiliffa US

Dhangiin lakkofsaa Ingiliffa US ti ni barbaadama sirna afaanicha ilaalchisee ni dabalatama. Dhangiin lakkofsaa hin fayyadamu. Yoo afaan US galfanni jiraachuu baatee dhangiinWaaltina tu fayyada.


Deetaan tarjaa irraa hin alaagamu.

Yoo dhangii guyyaa (DMY), (MDY), yookan (YMD) tokko isaa filatte fi lakkoofsa daangessaa guyyaa malee galchite lakkoofsi akka armaan gadiitti hiikama:

Baay'ina arfii

Dhangii guyyaa


Arfiin lama tokkoon tokkoo guyyaaf, ji'aaf fi waggaaf tartiiban filamaniin fudhataman.


Arfiin afur waggaadhaaf fudhatameera, tokko tokkoon lamaa ji'a fi guyyaaf tartiibaan filataman.

5 ykn 7

Akkuma arfii 6 yookan 8, garuu tartiibni arfii tokkoo gadi qaba. Kun dursaa duwwaa ji'aa fi guyyaa haqa.

Sajoo Qaxxee

Deetaa alaaguu barbaadde keessa duwwaa dursab yoo keessa oolchuu barbaadde, lakkofsa bilbilaa fakkeenyaaf, Dhangii " Barruu" tarjaatti fayyadami.


Shows how the imported text will look after it is separated into columns. To apply a format to a column when it is imported, click a column and select a Column type. When you select a Column type, the column heading displays the applied format.

Bal'ina murataa'e fayyadamuun deetaa alaaguu gara tarjaatti adda baasuu yoo barbaadde, daangaa bali'inaa qindeessuuf sarartoo irratti cuqaasi.

Naanna'iinsa Hantuuttee Malee

Odeeffannoo irra caaluuf, Odeeffanno waa'ee alaaguu fi alergii gingilcha ilaali.