
Baafatni saagii ajajaawwan maalimaa haraa, kan akka man'eewwanii, tarreewwanii, wardiiwwanii fi maqaawwan Man'ee wardii ammaatti saaguuf fayyadan of keessa qaba.


qaaqan Man'eewwan saagu kan ati akkaataa man'eewwan haaraa gara filannoo kennameetti bani.


Wardii haaraa saaguuf filannoowwan fayyadamamuu qaban ibsa. Wardii haaraa uumuu, yookiin wardii faayilii keessa jiru saaguu ni dandeessa.

Faayilii irraa wardii

Inserts a sheet from a different spreadsheet file.

Deetaa Alaatti Walqunnamsiisi

Inserts data from an HTML, Calc, CSV or Excel file into the current sheet as a link. The data must be located within a named range.

Arfii Addaa

Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.

Mallattoo Dhaangi'aa

Opens a submenu to insert special formatting marks like non-breaking space, soft hyphen, and optional break.


Opens a dialog that enables you to create and edit hyperlinks.


Opens the Function Wizard, which helps you to interactively create formulas.

Named Ranges and Expressions

Kutaa adda addaa galmee wardiikeef maqaa akka moggaastuu sif heeyyama. Kutaalee adda adda maqaa moggaasuun, haaala salphaan karaa galmeewwan wardii fi odeeffanno murta'aa barbaadi jedhu naanneessuu dandeessa.


Inserts a comment around the selected text or at the current cursor position.


The submenu presents various sources that an image, audio or video can be insert from.

Audio or Video

Inserts a video or audio file into your document.


Inserts an embedded object into your document, including formulas, 3D models, charts and OLE objects.


Taattoo saaga.

Goodayyaa Bololi'aa

Goodayyaa bololi'aa galmee ammee keessatti saaga. Goodayyaawwan bololi'aan qabeentoota faayilii biroo agarsiisuuf galmeewwan HTML keessatti fayyadu. Gooayyaawwan bololi'aan Naanneessaa 4.x. tiin hin deeggaramne.


Irraantotaa fi jalaantota ibsuufi dhangi'uu si dandeessisa.