
Baafatni kun ajajaawwan to'annaa agarsiisa agartiirraa galmeedhaaf fayyadan qaba.


Mul'annoo baratamoo wardii agarsiisa.


Kabala Kamshaa

Kamshaawwan mul'isuu fi dhoksuu baafata xiqqaa bana. Kamshaan dirqalee fi sajoowwan qabate hatattamaan ajajawwan LibreOffice si'if dhiheessa.

Kabalaa Foormulaa

Kabalaa foormulaa,foormulaawwan galchuu fi gulaaluuf gargaaru agarsiisa yookiin dhoksa. Yeroo wardiiwwan waliin hojjettu kaballi foormulaa meeshaa baay'ee gaarii ta'edha.

Kabala Haloojii

Kabala Haloojiiqarree jala foddaati argmu mul'isa ykn dhoksa.

Irraantoowwan Tarjaa fi Tarree

Shows column headers and row headers.

Grid Lines for Sheet

Toggle the visibility of grid lines for the current sheet.

Gatiiwwan Shooluu

Displays cell contents in different colors, depending on type.

Show Formula

Display the cell formula expression instead of the calculated result.

Grid and Help Lines

Toggle the visibility of grid points and guide lines to help object moving and precise position in the current sheet.


Barruu xiyyoo gubbaa harka bitaa man'ee ka'aa jiru hiruun bakki gubbaa harkaa mirgaa lammata hin marfamuu.


Divides the current window at the top left corner of the active cell.


The Sidebar is a vertical graphical user interface that primarily provides contextual properties, style management, document navigation, and media gallery features.


Use the Styles deck of the Sidebar to assign styles to cells and pages. You can apply, update, and modify existing styles or create new styles.


Opens the Gallery deck of the Sidebar, where you can select images and audio clips to insert into your document.


Naannessaa Kakaasas hadoochas Naannessaan foddaa galmaa'udha.

Function List

D'oh! You found a bug (text/scalc/01/04080000.xhp#function_list_text not found).

Maddeen Deetaa

Kuusaawwan deetaa kanLibreOffice keessatti galmaa'an tarreessuun qabeentoota kuusaawwam deetaa akka taliigduu si'I gargaara.

Argii Guutuu

Baaftootaa fi kamshoota Barreessaa ykn Calc keessaa mul'isa ykn dhoksa. Halata argii guutuu keessaa bahuuf, qabduu Bani/Dhaamsi Argii Guutuu cuqaasi.


D'oh! You found a bug (text/shared/01/03010000.xhp#zoom_text not found).