gati yeroo keessaaf,WEEKNUM'n lakkoofsa torbanii waggaa keessaa shallaga.

Sajoo Yaaddannoo

This function exists for interoperability with LibreOffice releases older than 5.1.0 and OpenOffice.org. It calculates week numbers for a week numbering system in that week number 1 is the week that contains the January 4th. This function does not provide interoperability with other spreadsheet applications. For new documents use the WEEKNUM or ISOWEEKNUM function instead.



Lakkoofsalakkoofsa aduu keessaati.

Haalatni akaakuu shallaggii fi jalqabbii torbanii qindeessa.

1 = Dilbata

2 = Monday (ISO 8601)

any other value = Monday (ISO 8601)


=WEEKNUM_OOO(DATE(1995;1;1);1) returns 1

=WEEKNUM_OOO(DATE(1995;1;1);2) returns 52. Week 1 starts on Monday, 1995-01-02.