
Use the Styles deck of the Sidebar to assign styles to cells and pages. You can apply, update, and modify existing styles or create new styles.

The Styles dockable window can remain open while editing the document.

Ajaja kana bira gahuuf...

Choose View - Styles


Kabala Dhangeessuurraa,



Akkaataa man'ee akkatalee itti fayyadamnuu:

  1. Man'ee ykn hangii man'ee fili.

  2. Double-click the style in the Styles window.

Akkaataalee Man'ee

akkaataalee tarree man'ee jiruindirect cell formattingkanaaf agarsiisi.


Akkaataalee Man'ee

Akkaataalee Fuulaa

Fuula akkaataalee jiran fuula dhangeessuu naannootiif agarsisii.


Akkaataalee Fuulaa

Haalata Dhangii Guutii

Turns the Fill Format mode on and off. Use the paint can to assign the Style selected in the Styles window.


Haalata Dhangii Guutii

Gaanoo dibaan akkaataa haraa akkamiin fayyadama:

  1. Select the desired style from the Styles window.

  2. SajooHaalata Dhangii Guutii cuqqaasi.

  3. Kana dhangeessuuf man'ee cuqqaasi,ykn hantuutee kee gara hangii murta'eeti harkisuun hangii dimshaashaa dhangeessi.Man'eewwanii fi Hangiiwwan biraatif gocha kana irra deebi'i.

  4. Haalata Dhangii Guutiilamata haalata kana keessaa bahuuf cuqqaasi.

Akkaataa Haaraa Filannoorraa

Creates a new style based on the formatting of a selected object. Assign a name for the style in the Create Style dialog.


Akkaataa Haaraa Filannoorraa

Akkaataa Haaromsi

Updates the Style selected in the Styles window with the current formatting of the selected object.


Akkaataa Haaromsi

Tarree Akkaataa

Displays the list of the styles from the selected style category.

Baafata halqara keessaati akkaataa haaa uumuuf ajejja filuu dandeessa, akkaataa fayyadaman hikkamuu haqi, ykn akkaataa filatamee jijjijri.

Gartuuwwan Akkaataa

Lists the available style groups.