CBool Function

Himannoo diraa ykn himannoo lakkofsaa gara himannoo Buuliyaaniitti geeddari,ykn himannoo lakkofsa baaqqee gara Buuliyaaniitti geeddari.


CBool (Expression1 {= | <> | < | > | <= | >=} Expression2) or CBool (Number)

Gatii deebii:



Himannoo1, Himannoo2: Himannoo diraa ykn lakkoofsaa kamuu madaaluu barbaaddu. Yoo himannoowwan walgitan, faankishiiniin CBool Dhugaadeebisa,yoo ta'uu baate Soba deebi'a.

Lakkoofsa: Himannoo lakkofsa kamuu kan geeddaruu barbaaddu.Yoo himannoon walqixa 0 ta'e, Soba deebi'a,yoo ta'uu baate Dhugaa deebi'a.

Fakkeenyi armaan gadii gatii faankshinii Instr debi'e madaaluuf,faankshinii CBool fayyadama. Faankishiiniin yoo jechi "and" hima fayyadamaan galfame keessa jiraachuu isaa mirkaneessa.

Error codes:

5 Ejjatoo fashalaan waamu


Sub ExampleCBool

Dim sText As String

    sText = InputBox("Please enter a short sentence:")

    REM Proof if the word »and« appears in the sentence.

    REM Instead of the command line

    REM If Instr(Input, "and")<>0 Then...

    REM the CBool function is applied as follows:

    If CBool(Instr(sText, "and")) Then

        MsgBox "The word »and« appears in the sentence you entered!"


End Sub