If...Then...Else Statement

Haalli kenname Dhugaa yoo ta'e garee hima tokkoo ykn baay'ee raawwachuu barbaadde qofa ibsi.


If condition=true Then Statement block [ElseIf condition=true Then] Statement block [Else] Statement block EndIf

Instead of Else If you can write ElseIf, instead of End If you can write EndIf.


Himi If...Then garee sagantaa raawwatu haalota kennaman irratti hundaa'a. yeroo bu'uurri LibreOffice himaIf qunnamsiise, haallichi yaalame.Yoo haalli isaa Dhugaa ta'e,himoonni walfaanaa hunduu hanga hima Else ykn ElseIf itti aanutti raawwatu. yoo haalli isaa Soba ta'e, fi himniElseIf duuka bu'e ,LibreOffice Basic haala itti aanu yaalee himoota armaan gadii raawwata ,yoo haalli isaa Dhugaa ta'e. Yoo soba ta'e, sagantaan hima ElseIf ykn Else waliin itti fufa. himoonni Elseduuka bu'an kan raawwatu yoo haalli duraan yaalame Dhugaa ta'e qofa. Haalli hunduu yoo madaalameen booda,fi himoonni walitti dhufoo raawwatan, sagantaan hima EndIfitti aanu waiin itti fufa.

Himoota If...Then danee galchuu dandeessa.

HimoonniElse fi ElseIf dirqalee dha.

Sajoo Ofegannoo

GoTo fi GoSub fayyadamuu dandeessa,garee If...Then alatti utaaluuf, garuu caasaa If...Then tti hin utaalin.

Fakkeenyi armaan gadii guyyaa omishaa itti galchuuf ,fi yoo guuyyaan darbe murteessuuf si dandeessisa.


Sub ExampleIfThenDate

Dim sDate As String

Dim sToday As String

    sDate = InputBox("Enter the expiration date (MM.DD.YYYY)")

    sDate = Right$(sDate, 4) + Mid$(sDate, 4, 2) + Left$(sDate, 2)

    sToday = Date$

    sToday = Right$(sToday, 4)+ Mid$(sToday, 4, 2) + Left$(sToday, 2)

    If sDate < sToday Then

        MsgBox "The expiration date has passed"

    ElseIf sDate > sToday Then

        MsgBox "The expiration date has not yet passed"


        MsgBox "The expiration date is today"

    End If

End Sub