Cos Function

Kofa kosaayinii shalagi.Kofni raadiyaaniin ibsama. Gatiin isaa gidduu -1 fi 1 dha.

kofa aalfaa fayyadamuun,faankishiniin-koosii reeshoo dheerina raga walcinaa kofaa, dheerina haayipootinasii rog-sadee sirriif hiruun shallaga.

Cos(Alpha) = Olaa/Hypotenuse


Cos (Number)

Gatii deebii:



Lakkoofsa: Himannoon lakkoofsa kofa raadiyaaniin kan mul'isu kosaayinii shallaguu barbaaddef.

Diigrii gara raadiyaaniitti jijjiiruuf ,diigrii pi/180 tiin baay'si. Raadiyaanii gara diigritti jijjiiruuf 180/pi tiin baay'isi.



pi n kun geengoo dhaabbataa safarri naannoo isaa 3.14159...

Error codes:

5 Ejjatoo fashalaan waamu


REM The following example allows for a right-angled triangle the input of

REM secant and angle (in degrees) and calculates the length of the hypotenuse:

Sub ExampleCosinus

REM rounded Pi = 3.14159

Dim d1 As Double, dAngle As Double

    d1 = InputBox$ (""Enter the length of the adjacent side: ","Adjacent")

    dAngle = InputBox("Enter the angle Alpha (in degrees): ","Alpha")

    Print "The length of the hypothenuse is"; (d1 / cos (dAngle * Pi / 180))

End Sub