Sette inn manuelt skift

Setter inn et manuelt linjeskift, spalteskift eller sideskift der skrivemerket står.

For å bruke denne funksjonen …

Velg Sett inn → Manuelt skift


Velg hvilken type skift du vil sette inn.


Ends the current line, and moves the text found to the right of the cursor to the next line, without creating a new paragraph.


Du kan også sette inn et linjeskift ved å trykke Shift + Enter.


Inserts a manual column break (in a multiple column layout), and moves the text found to the right of the cursor to the beginning of the next column. A manual column break is indicated by a nonprinting border at the top of the new column.


Inserts a manual page break, and moves the text found to the right of the cursor to the beginning of the next page. The inserted page break is indicated by a nonprinting border at the top of the new page.


You can also insert a page break by pressing +Enter. However, if you want to assign the following page a different Page Style, you must use the menu command to insert the manual page break.


Select the page style for the page that follows the manual page break.

Endre sidetall

Assigns the page number that you specify to the page that follows the manual page break. This option is only available if you assign a different page style to the page that follows manual page break.


Enter the new page number for the page that follows the manual page break.


Du kan vise manuelle skift ved å velge Vis → Kontrolltegn (som ikke skrives ut).

Sette inn og slette sideskift