
Defines the general options for drawing or presentation documents.

For Ă„ bruke denne funksjonen 

Open a presentation document, choose - LibreOffice Impress/LibreOffice Draw - General.


Tillat hurtigredigering

If on, you can edit text immediately after clicking a text object. If off, you must double-click to edit text.

Bare tekstomrÄdet kan merkes

Specifies whether to select a text frame by clicking the text.

In the area of the text frame that is not filled with text, an object behind the text frame can be selected.

Nytt dokument (bare i presentasjoner)

Start with Template Selection

Specifies whether to activate the Select a Template window when opening a presentation with File - New - Presentation.


Bruk mellomlager for bakgrunnen

Specifies whether to use the cache for displaying objects on the master slide. This speeds up the display. Unmark the Use background cache option if you want to display changing contents on the master slide.

Kopier ved flytting

If enabled, a copy is created when you move an object while holding down the key. The same will apply for rotating and resizing the object. The original object will remain in its current position and size.

Objekter alltid flyttbare

Specifies that you want to move an object with the Rotate tool enabled. If Object always moveable is not marked, the Rotate tool can only be used to rotate an object.

Ikke forvreng objekter i kurve (gjelder bare i tegninger)

Maintains relative alignment of BĂ©zier points and 2D drawing objects to each other when you distort the object.


Determines the Unit of measurement for presentations.


Defines the spacing between tab stops.

Start presentasjon (bare i presentasjoner)

Enable remote control

Specifies that you want to enable Bluetooth remote control while Impress is running. Unmark Enable remote control to disable remote controlling.

Enable Presenter Console

Specifies that you want to enable the Presenter Console during slideshows.

Vis stĂžrre/mindre (bare i tegninger)


Determines the drawing scale on the rulers.

Samspill (innstillinger som gjelder hvert enkelt dokument)

Innstillingene i dette omrÄdet er bare gyldige for det gjeldende dokumentet.

Bruk skrivermÄl til dokumentformatering

Specifies that printer metrics are applied for printing and also for formatting the display on the screen. If this box is not checked, a printer independent layout will be used for screen display and printing.


Hvis du bruker denne innstillinga pÄ det gjeldende dokumentet og sÄ lagrer dokumentet, for eksempel i et eldre binÊrt format, blir ikke denne innstillinga lagret. Hvis du senere Äpner fila fra det gamle formatet, blir denne innstillinga brukt som standard.

Add spacing between paragraphs and tables

Specifies that LibreOffice Impress calculates the paragraph spacing exactly like Microsoft PowerPoint.

Microsoft PowerPoint beregner den samlede avstanden mellom avsnittene ved Ă„ legge sammen avstanden til bunnen av et avsnitt og avstanden til toppen av det neste avsnittet. LibreOffice Impress bruker bare den stĂžrste av disse to avstandene.