Inserting Non-breaking Spaces, Hyphens and Soft Hyphens

Harde mellomrom

For å hindre to ord i å bli adskilt ved slutten av en linje, skal du trykke på , når du setter inn et mellomrom mellom ordene.


I Calc kan du ikke sette inn harde mellomrom.

Non-breaking hyphen

An example of a non-breaking hyphen is a company name such as A-Z. Obviously you would not want A- to appear at the end of a line and Z at the beginning of the next line. To solve this problem, press Shift+Ctrl+ minus sign. In other words, hold down the Shift and Ctrl keys and press the minus key.

Replacing hyphens by dashes

For sette inn lengre streker kan du under Verktøy → Autoretting→ Alternativer finne innstillingen Erstatt tankestreker Denne innstillingen erstatter i visse tilfeller et eller to minustegn med en kort eller en lang bindestrek (se Autorett).

For flere erstatninger, se erstatningstabellen under Funksjoner → Autoretting-Erstatt. Her kan du blant annet automatisk erstatte en snarvei med en bindestrek.

Soft hyphen

To support automatic hyphenation by entering a soft hyphen inside a word yourself, use the keys +minus sign. The word is separated at this position when it is at the end of the line, even if automatic hyphenation for this paragraph is switched off.


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