Egenskaper for flytende rammer

Changes the properties of the selected floating frame. Floating frames work best when they contain an html document, and when they are inserted in another html document.

For å bruke denne funksjonen …

Merk en ramme, og velg så Rediger → Objekt → Egenskaper

Åpne sprettoppmenyen til ramma, og velg Egenskaper


Enter a name for the floating frame. The name cannot contain spaces, special characters, or begin with an underscore ( _ ).


Enter the path and the name of the file that you want to display in the floating frame. You can also click the Browse button and locate the file that you want to display. For example, you can enter:

Bla gjennom

Locate the file that you want to display in the selected floating frame, and then click Open.

Scroll Bar

Legger til eller fjerner et rullefelt i den valgte flytende ramma.

Displays the scrollbar for the floating frame.


Hides the scrollbar for the floating frame.


Mark this option if the currently active floating frame can have a scrollbar when needed.


Viser eller skjuler kantlinjene til den flytende ramma.

Displays the border of the floating frame.


Hides the border of the floating frame.


Angi avstanden mellom kantene til ramma og innholdet i den. Både dokumentet i ramma, og det utenfor ramma, må være HTML-dokumenter.


Enter the amount of horizontal space that you want to leave between the right and the left edges of the floating frame and the contents of the frame. Both documents inside and outside the floating frame must be HTML documents.


Applies the default horizontal spacing.


Enter the amount of vertical space that you want to leave between the top and bottom edges of the floating frame and the contents of the frame. Both documents inside and outside the floating frame must be HTML documents.


Applies the default vertical spacing.