
Opens a local or remote file, or imports one.

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Åpne fil

The following sections describe the LibreOffice Open dialog box. To activate the LibreOffice Open and Save dialog boxes, choose - LibreOffice- General, and then select the Use LibreOffice dialogs in the Open/Save dialogs area.


If the file that you want to open contains Styles, special rules apply.

Koble til tjener

Åpner et dialogvindu der du kan sette opp koblingen til ulike tjenartyper, inkludert WebDAV, FTP, SSH, Windows Share og CMIS.

Up One Level

Move up one folder in the folder hierarchy. Long-click to see the higher level folders.


Ett nivå opp

Create New Folder

Creates a new folder.


Lag ny mappe

Areal for steder

Viser «favorittsteder», det vil si snarveier til lokale eller eksterne plasseringer.

Display area

Displays the files and folders in the folder that you are in. To open a file, select the file, and then click Open.


To open more than one document at the same time, each in an own window, hold while you click the files, and then click Open.

File name

Enter a file name or a path for the file. You can also enter a URL that starts with the protocol name ftp, http, or https.

If you want, you can use wildcards in the File name box to filter the list of files that is displayed.

  1. LibreOffice has an AutoComplete function which activates itself in some text and list boxes. For example, enter into the URL field and the AutoComplete function displays the first file or first directory found that starts with the letter "a".

  2. Bruk pil ned for å bla gjennom de andre mappene og filene. Trykk høyre pil for å vise en undermappe i URL-feltet. Hurtigautofullføring er tilgjengelig ved trykking End etter at å ha skrevet inn en del av URL-en. Når dokumentet eller mappa du vil bruke har blitt funnet, velger du den ved å trykke Enter.


If there are multiple versions of the selected file, select the version that you want to open. You can save and organize multiple versions of a document by choosing File - Versions. The versions of a document are opened in read-only mode.

File type

Select the file type that you want to open, or select All Files (*) to display a list of all of the files in the folder.


Opens the selected document(s).


If you opened the dialog by choosing Insert - Document, the Open button is labeled Insert. Inserts the selected file into the current document at the cursor position.


Opens the file in read-only mode.

Opening Documents With Templates

LibreOffice recognizes templates that are located in any folder from the following list:


When you use File - Templates - Save as Template to save a template, the template will be stored in your user template folder. When you open a document that is based on such a template, the document will be checked for a changed template as described below. The template is associated with the document, it may be called a "sticky template".


Når du bruker Fil → Lagre som og velg en malfil for å lagre malen i en mappe som ikke finnes i lista, blir dokumentene som er baserte på denne lista ikke kontrollerte.

When you open a document that was created from a "sticky template" (as defined above), LibreOffice checks to see if the template has been modified since the document was last opened. If the template was changed a dialog is shown where you can select which styles to apply to the document.

To apply the new styles from the template to the document, click Update Styles.

To retain the styles that are currently used in the document, click Keep Old Styles.

If a document was created using a template that cannot be found a dialog is shown that asks you how to proceed next time the document is opened.

To break the link between the document and the missing template, click No, otherwise LibreOffice will look for the template the next time you open the document.