Skape Pivottabeller

  1. Plasser markøren i et celleområde som inneholder verdier og rad- og kolonneoverskrifter.

  2. Choose Insert - Pivot Table. The Select Source dialog appears. Choose Current selection and confirm with OK. The table headings are shown as buttons in the Pivot Table dialog. Drag these buttons as required and drop them into the layout areas "Page Fields", "Column Fields", "Row Fields" and "Data Fields".

  3. Dra de ønskede knappene inn i ett av de fire områdene.

Drag a button to the Page Fields area to create a button and a listbox on top of the generated pivot table. The listbox can be used to filter the pivot table by the contents of the selected item. You can use drag-and-drop within the generated pivot table to use another page field as a filter.

If the button is dropped in the Data Fields area it will be given a caption that also shows the formula that will be used to calculate the data.

  1. Rekkefølgen på knappene kan alltid endres ved å flytte dem til et annet sted i området med musa.

  2. Fjern en knapp ved å dra den tilbake området med de andre knappene til høyre i vinduet.

  3. To open the Data Field dialog, double-click one of the buttons in the Row Fields or Column Fields area. Use the dialog to select if and to what extent LibreOffice calculates display subtotals.

Exit the Pivot Table dialog by pressing OK. A Filter button will now be inserted, or a page button for every data field that you dropped in the Page Fields area. The pivot table is inserted further down.

Open file with example: