Form Wizard - Arrange Controls

On this page of the Wizard, you can select the layout of the created form.

За да пристапите до оваа наредба...

Кликнете Користи Волшебник за креирање форма во прозорецот на датотеката од базата на податоци.

Label placement

Порамни одлево

The labels are left-aligned.

Порамни оддесно

The labels are right-aligned.

Arrangement of the main form

Columnar - Labels Left

Aligns the database fields column-wise with the labels to the left of the fields.

Columnar - Labels on Top

Aligns the database fields column-wise with the labels above the field.

As Data Sheet

Aligns the database fields in a tabular form.

In Blocks - Labels Above

Arranges the labels above the corresponding data.

Arrangement of the subform

Columnar - Labels Left

Aligns the database fields column-wise with the labels to the left of the fields.

Columnar - Labels on Top

Aligns the database fields column-wise with the labels above the field.

As Data Sheet

Aligns the database fields in a tabular form.

In Blocks - Labels Above

Arranges the labels above the corresponding data.

Form Wizard - Set data entry