
Changes the case of the selected characters, or if the cursor is in a word, changes the case of all of the characters in the word.

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Choose Format - Text or Format - Text - Change Case

Sentence case

Changes the first letter of the selected Western characters to an uppercase character.

Мали букви

Changes the selected Western characters to lowercase characters.


Changes the selected Western characters to uppercase characters.

Capitalize Every Word

Changes the first character of every word of the selected Western characters to an uppercase character.


Toggles case of all selected Western characters.

Поддршка за азиски јазици

These commands can only be accessed after you enable support for Asian languages in - Language Settings - Languages.


Changes the selected Asian characters to half-width characters.

Full Width

Changes the selected Asian characters to full-width characters.


Changes the selected Asian characters to Hiragana characters.


Changes the selected Asian characters to Katakana characters.