Instrukcijas LibreOffice Math lietošanai

On the help page for LibreOffice general you can find instructions that are applicable to all modules, such as working with windows and menus, customizing LibreOffice, data sources, Gallery, and drag and drop.

If you want help with another module, switch to the help for that module with the combo box in the navigation area.

Formulu ievadīšana un rediģēšana

Teksta ievadīšana

Noklusēto atribūtu izmainīšana

Rindu atdalītāju ievadīšana

Manually Aligning Formula Parts

Darbs ar robežām

Merging Formula Parts in Brackets

Iekavu ievietošana

Komentāru ievadīšana

Shortcuts (LibreOffice Math Accessibility)