Līniju un bultu stilu ielādēšana

You can use styles to organize similar line and arrow types. LibreOffice provides a few standard style files that you can load and use in your document. If you want, you can add or delete elements from a style file, or even create a custom style file.

Lai ielādētu līnijas stilu datni:

  1. Choose Format - Line, and then click the Line Styles tab.

  2. Click the Load Line Styles button.

  3. Locate the file containing the line styles that you want to load, and then click OK. The file has the format [filename].sod.

To save a line styles file, click the Save Line Styles button, enter a filename, and then click OK.

Lai ielādētu bultu stilu datni:

  1. Choose Format - Line, and then click the Arrow Styles tab.

  2. Klikšķiniet pogu Ielādēt bultas stilus.

  3. Locate the file containing the arrow styles that you want to load, and then click OK. The file has the format [filename].soe.

To save an arrow styles file, click the Save Arrow Styles button, enter a filename, and then click OK.

Format - Line

Loading Color, Gradient, and Hatching Lists