Grafikas kopēšana starp dokumentiem

You can copy a graphic from one document to another by drag-and-drop. If you plan to publish your document, please observe copyright laws and obtain the consent of the authors.

  1. Atveriet dokumentu, kurā jūs vēlaties ievietot grafisko objektu.

  2. Atveriet dokumentu, no kura jūs vēlaties kopēt grafiku.

  3. Click the graphic while pressing the key, to select it without executing any hyperlinks it may refer to.

  4. Keep the mouse button pressed and wait a moment while the object is copied to an internal memory.

  5. Drag the graphic into the other document.

  6. Release the mouse button as soon as the gray text cursor indicates the position where you want to insert a copy of the picture.

  7. If the graphic is connected with a hyperlink, the hyperlink and not the graphic is inserted.

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Grafikas kopēšana no galerijas

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