Vaicājuma vednis - Detaļas vai apkopojums

Specifies whether to display all records of the query, or only the results of aggregate functions.

This page is only displayed when there are numerical fields in the query that allow the use of aggregate functions.

Detalizēts vaicājums

Select to show all records of the query.

Kopsavilkuma vaicājums

Select to show only results of aggregate functions.

Select the aggregate function and the field name of the numeric field in the list box. You can enter as many aggregate functions as you want, one in each row of controls.

Summējošā funkcija

Atlasiet summējošo funkciju.

Lauka nosaukums

Atlasiet skaitļu lauka nosaukumu.


Pievieno jaunu vadīklu rindu.


Noņem pēdējo vadīklu rindu.

Vaicājuma vednis - Grupēšana