Līdzināšana (teksta objektu)

Set the alignment options for the current selection.

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Choose Format - Alignment (LibreOffice Writer, LibreOffice Calc)

Choose Modify - Alignment (objects selected) (LibreOffice Draw)

Atveriet konteksta izvēlni - izvēlieties Līdzināšana (atlasītie objekti) (LibreOffice Impress, LibreOffice Draw)

Pa kreisi

Aligns the selected paragraph(s) to the left page margin.

Pa labi

Aligns the selected paragraph(s) to the right page margin.


Centers the selected paragraph(s) on the page.


Aligns the selected paragraph(s) to the left and the right page margins. If you want, you can also specify the alignment options for the last line of a paragraph by choosing Format - Paragraph - Alignment.