Eksportēt teksta datnes

The Export text files dialog allows you to define the export options for text files. The dialog will be displayed if you save spreadsheet data as file type "Text CSV", and if the Edit filter settings check box is marked in the Save As dialog.

Lauka opcijas

Defines the field separator, text separator and character set that is used for the text export.

Rakstzīmju kopa

Specifies the character set for text export.

Lauka atdalītājs

Choose or enter the field delimiter, which separates data fields.

Teksta atdalītājs

Choose or enter the text delimiter, which encloses every data field.

Quote all text cells

Exports all text cells with leading and trailing quote characters as set in the Text delimiter box. If not checked, only those text cells get quoted that contain the Field delimiter character.

Saglabāt šūnu saturu kā redzams

Enabled by default, data will be saved as displayed, including applied number formats. If this checkbox is not marked, raw data content will be saved, as in older versions of the software.

Brīdinājuma ikona

Depending on the number format, saving cell content as shown may write values that during an import cannot be interpreted as numerical values anymore.

Fiksētais kolonnas platums

Eksportē visus datu laukus ar fiksētu platumu.