Rašmenų stiliai

Čia galima aprašyti teksto stilių.

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Choose View - Styles - open context menu Modify/New (for Character Styles)


Set the options for the selected style.

Specify the formatting and the font that you want to apply.

Font Effects

Specify the font effects that you want to use.


Set the background color or graphic.

Asian Language Support

These commands can only be accessed after you enable support for Asian languages in - Language Settings - Languages.

Specify the position, scaling, rotation, and spacing for characters.

Asian Layout

Sets the options for double-line writing for Asian languages. Select the characters in your text, and then choose this command.


Resets changes made to the current tab to those applicable when this dialog was opened. A confirmation query does not appear when you close the dialog.


Dialogo lange rodomos reikšmės atstatomos į numatytąsias diegimo reikšmes.

Warning Icon

Atstatant numatytąsias nuostatas patvirtinimo neprašoma.