Modifying Numbering in a Numbered List

You can remove the numbering from a paragraph in a numbered list or change the number that a numbered list starts with.

Táknmynd fyrir góð ráð

If you want numbered headings, use the Tools - Chapter Numbering menu command to assign a numbering to a paragraph style. Do not use the Numbering icon on the Formatting toolbar.

To Remove the Number From a Paragraph in a Numbered List

  1. Click in front of the first character of the paragraph that you want to remove the numbering from.

  2. Gerðu eitt af eftirfarandi:

To Change the Number That a Numbered List Starts With

  1. Click anywhere in the numbered list.

  2. Choose Format - Bullets and Numbering, and then click the Options tab.

  3. Enter the number you want the list to start with in the Start at box.

  4. Smelltu á Í lagi.

Numbering and Numbering Styles

Adding Bullets

Adding Numbering

Turning off Bullets and Numbering for Individual Paragraphs

Notkun skýringatexta

Defining Number Ranges

Wiki page about numbering paragraphs by styles