Updating, Editing and Deleting Indexes and Tables of Contents

  1. Place the cursor in the index or table of contents.

    If you cannot place your cursor in the index or table of contents, choose - LibreOffice Writer - Formatting Aids, and then select Enable cursor in the Protected Areas section.

  2. Right-click and choose an editing option from the menu.

You can also make changes directly to an index or table of contents. Right-click in the index or table of contents, choose Edit Index or Table of Contents, click Type tab, and then clear the Protected against manual changes check box.

Efnisyfirlit búið til

Updating, Editing and Deleting Indexes and Tables of Contents

Að sníða efnisyfirlit eða atriðaskrá

Editing or Deleting Index and Table Entries

Að búa til atriðaskrá í stafrófsröð

User-Defined Indexes

Creating a Bibliography

Indexes Covering Several Documents