Setja inn

Þessi valmynd er með þeim skipunum sem notaðar eru til innsetningar á ýmsum hlutum í skjalið, til dæmis myndefni, hluti úr öðrum forritum og sérstafi.

Tvöfalda skyggnu

Inserts a copy of the current slide after the current slide.

Stækka skyggnu

Creates a new slide from every top-level outline point (text one level below the title text in the outline hierarchy) in the selected slide. The outline text becomes the title of the new slide. Outline points below the top level on the original slide are moved up one level on the new slide.


Creates a new slide that contains a bulleted list from the titles of the slides that follow the selected slide. The summary slide is inserted behind the last slide.


Bætir við númeri skyggnu eða blaðsíðu.

Dagsetning og tími

Bætir inn dagsetningu og tíma sem gagnasviði.


Lists common fields that you can insert into your slide.


Inserts a comment around the selected text or at the current cursor position.


Allows a user to insert characters from the range of symbols found in the installed fonts.


Opens a submenu to insert special formatting marks like non-breaking space, soft hyphen, and optional break.


Opens a dialog that enables you to create and edit hyperlinks.


Creates a custom animation on the current slide. You can only use existing objects to create an animation.


Inserts a new table into the current slide or page.


The submenu presents various sources that an image, audio or video can be insert from.

Hjóð eða myndskeið

Inserts a video or audio file into your document.


Inserts an embedded object into your document, including formulas, 3D models, charts and OLE objects.


Setur inn graf (línurit, súlurit o.þ.h.).

Fljótandi rammi

Inserts a floating frame into the current document. Floating frames are used in HTML documents to display the contents of another file.


Inserts a file into the active slide. You can insert LibreOffice Draw or Impress files, or text from an HTML document or a text file.

Haus og fótur

Adds or changes text in placeholders at the top and the bottom of slides and master slides.