
Changes the stacking order of a selected object.

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Choose Format - Arrange (LibreOffice Writer, LibreOffice Calc)

Open context menu - choose Arrange (LibreOffice Impress, LibreOffice Draw)

Choose Modify - Arrange (LibreOffice Draw)



Selecting Underlying Objects

Setja fremst

Moves the selected object to the top of the stacking order, so that it is in front of other objects.

Senda framar

Moves the selected object up one level, so that it is closer to top of the stacking order.

Senda aftar

Moves the selected object down one level, so that it is closer to the bottom of the stacking order.

Setja aftast

Moves the selected object to the bottom of the stacking order, so that it is behind the other objects.

Framan við hlut

Changes the stacking order by moving the selected object in front of an object that you specify. The screen location of the selected object does not change.

Aftan við hlut

Changes the stacking order by moving the selected object behind an object that you specify. The screen location of the selected object does not change.

Snúa við

Reverses the stacking order of the selected objects.