
Defines the properties for additional languages.

Táknmynd fyrir athugasemd

The Searching in Japanese and Asian Layout tab pages are only visible if the Asian language support option in the Languages tab page is activated and the Options dialog is re-opened. The Complex Text Layout tab page is only visible if the CTL support is enabled.

Til að nálgast þessa skipun...

Choose - Language Settings.


Defines the default languages and some other locale settings for documents.


Specifies the properties of the spellcheck, thesaurus and hyphenation.

Leit í japönsku

Defines the search options for Japanese.

These commands can only be accessed after you enable support for Asian languages in - Language Settings - Languages.

Asísk framsetning

Defines the typographic default settings for Asian text.

These commands can only be accessed after you enable support for Asian languages in - Language Settings - Languages.

Flókin textaframsetning CTL

Defines the options for documents with complex text layouts.


Resets changes made to the current tab to those applicable when this dialog was opened.