User-Defined Indexes

You can create as many user-defined indexes as you want.

To Create a User-Defined Index

  1. Select a word or words that you want to add to a user-defined index.

  2. Choose Insert - Table of Contents and Index - Index Entry.

  3. Click the New User-defined Index button next to the Index box.

  4. Type a name for the index in the Name box and click OK.

  5. Click Insert to add the selected word(s) to the new index.

  6. Click Close.

To Insert a User-Defined Index

  1. Odaberite područje dokumenta u koji biste željeli unijeti automatski tekst.

  2. Choose Insert - Table of Contents and Index - Table of Contents, Index or Bibliography.

  3. On the Type tab, select the name of the user-defined index that you created in the Type box.

  1. Odaberite mogućnost koju želite.

  2. Odaberite U redu.

If you want to use a different paragraph style as a table of contents entry, select Additional styles, and then click the Assign styles button next to the box. Click the style in the list, and then click the >> or the << button to define the chapter level for the paragraph style.

Creating a Table of Contents

Defining Index or Table of Contents Entries

Updating, Editing and Deleting Indexes and Tables of Contents

Formatting an Index or a Table of Contents

Editing or Deleting Index and Table Entries

Creating Alphabetical Indexes

Creating a Bibliography

Indexes Covering Several Documents