Raspoređivanja naslova u Navigatoru

You can move headings and subordinate text up and down in a document text by using the Navigator. You can also promote and demote heading levels. To use this feature, format the headings in your document with one of the predefined heading paragraph styles. To use a custom paragraph style for a heading, choose Tools - Chapter Numbering, select the style in the Paragraph Style box, and then double-click a number in the Levels list.

Tip Icon

Kako biste brzo postavili kursor u naslov, dvokliknite naslov na listi u Navigatoru.

To dock the Navigator, drag the title bar to the edge of the workspace. To undock the Navigator, double-click its frame while holding the key.

Pomicaje naslova gore ili dolje u dokumentu

Warning Icon

Privjerite jesu li sve naslovne razine prikazane u Navigatoru. Prema zadanim postavkama, sve bi razine trebale biti prikazane. Sljedeći koraci opisuju kako mijenjati prikazane naslovne razine:

  1. U Standardnoj traci, odaberite ikonu Navigatora Iconkako biste ga otvorili.

  2. On the Navigator, click the Content View icon Icon.

  3. Učinite nešto od navedenog:

  1. Odvucite naslov u Navigatoru na željeno mjesto na listi.

  2. Click a heading in the Navigator list, and then click the Promote Chapter Icon or Demote Chapter icon Icon.

Note Icon

To move the heading without the subordinate text, hold down while you drag or click the Promote Chapter or Demote Chapter icons.

Unaprjeđivanje ili unazađivanje naslovne razine

  1. Odaberite naslov na listi Navigatora .

  2. Click the Promote Level Icon or Demote Level icon Icon.

Promjena prikazanog broja naslovne razine

Click the Heading Levels Shown icon Icon, and then select a number from the list.