
The following section lists the help topics available for menus and dialogs.

Note Icon

Prozor koji sadrži dokument na kojem želite raditi mora biti odabran kako biste koristili naredbe izbornika. Slično, morate odabrati objekt u dokumentu kako biste koristili naredbe vezane uz taj objekt.

Warning Icon

Izbornici ovise o kontekstu. To znači da su dostupne one stavke izbornika koje su relevanten za posao koji se trenutno obavlja. Ako se pokazivač prikazuje u tekstu, tada se prikazuju sve one stavke potrebne za uređivanje teksta. Ako ste odabrali grafiku u dokumenu, tada možete vidjeti sve stavke izbornika koje se mogu koristiti za uređivanje grafike.


These commands apply to the current document, open a new document, or close the application.


This menu contains commands for editing the contents of the current document.


This menu contains commands for controlling the on-screen display of the document.


This menu contains the commands that are used to insert new elements into the document, for example, graphics, objects, special characters and other files.


Contains commands for formatting the layout and the contents of your document.


This menu provides slide management and navigation commands.

Slide Show

Contains commands and options for running a presentation.


Contains spelling tools, a gallery of object art that you can add to your document, as well as tools for configuring menus, and setting program preferences.


Contains commands for manipulating and displaying document windows.


Izbornik Pomoć omogućuje pokretanje i upravljanje LibreOffice sustavom pomoći.