InStr Function

Vraća položaj niza znakova unutar drugog niza znakova.

Insrt funkcija vraća položaj na kojem je niz znakova nađen. Ako niz znakova nije nađen, funkcija vraća 0.


InStr ([Start As Long,] Text1 As String, Text2 As String[, Compare])

Povratna vrijednost

Cijeli broj


Start: A numeric expression that marks the position in a string where the search for the specified substring starts. If you omit this parameter, the search starts at the first character of the string. The maximum allowed value is 65535.

Text1: The string expression that you want to search.

Text2: The string expression that you want to search for.

Compare: Optional numeric expression that defines the type of comparison. The value of this parameter can be 0 or 1. The default value of 1 specifies a text comparison that is not case-sensitive. The value of 0 specifies a binary comparison that is case-sensitive.

Za izbjegavanje run-time greške, ne podešavajte parametar Usporedbe, ako prvi return parametar je izostavljen.

Error codes:

5 Invalid procedure call


Sub ExamplePosition

Dim sInput As String

Dim iPos As Integer

    sInput = "Office"

    iPos = Instr(sInput,"c")

    Print iPos

End Sub