
Odredi pridruživanje događaja za odabranu kontrolu ili dijalog. Dostupni događaji ovise o vrsti odabrane kontrole.

Kada prima fokus

This event takes place if a control receives the focus.

Kada gubi fokus

This event takes place if a control loses the focus.

Pritisnuta tipka

This event occurs when the user presses any key while the control has the focus.

Tipka otpuštena

This event occurs when the user releases a key while the control has the focus.


Ovaj događaj se odvija kad kontrola gubi fokus i sadržaj kontrole je promijenjen zbog gubljenja fokusa.

Tekst promijenjen

This event takes place if you enter or modify a text in an input field.

Promijenjen status stavke

This event takes place if the status of the control field is changed, for example, from checked to unchecked.

Miš unutra

This event takes place when the mouse enters the control.

Miš pomaknut dok je tipka bila pritisnuta

This event takes place when the mouse is dragged while a key is pressed.

Miš pomaknut

This event takes place when the mouse moves over the control.

Gumb miša pritisnut

This event takes place when the mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is on the control.

Gumb miša otpušten

This event takes place when the mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is on the control.

Miš izvan

This event takes place when the mouse leaves the control.

Prilikom podešavanja

This event takes place when a scrollbar is being dragged.