LibreOffice Basic Glossary

Ovaj rječnik objašnjava neke tehničke izraze s kojima ćete se možda susresti radeći s LibreOffice Basicom.


In LibreOffice Basic, colors are treated as long integer value. The return value of color queries is also always a long integer value. When defining properties, colors can be specified using their RGB code that is converted to a long integer value using the RGB function.

Decimalna točka

Prilikom konverzije brojeva, LibreOffice Basic koristi lokalne postavke sistema za utvrđivanje tipa decimalnog i tisućitog separatora.

The behavior has an effect on both the implicit conversion ( 1 + "2.3" = 3.3 ) as well as the function IsNumeric.

Jedinice mjere

In LibreOffice Basic, a method parameter or a property expecting unit information can be specified either as integer or long integer expression without a unit, or as a character string containing a unit. If no unit is passed to the method the default unit defined for the active document type will be used. If the parameter is passed as a character string containing a measurement unit, the default setting will be ignored. The default measurement unit for a document type can be set under - (Document Type) - General.


Twip je ekran neovisna jedinica koja se koristi za definiranje homogenog položaja i veličine elemenata ekrana na svim sistemima prokaza. Twip iznosi 1/1440 inča ili 1/20 točke pisača. Inč sadrži oko 1440, a centimetar oko 567 twipa.

URL notacija

URLs (Uniform Resource Locators) are used to determine the location of a resource like a file in a file system, typically inside a network environment. A URL consists of a protocol specifier, a host specifier and a file and path specifier:


The most common usage of URLs is on the internet when specifying web pages. Example for protocols are http, ftp, or file. The file protocol specifier is used when referring to a file on the local file system.

URL notation does not allow certain special characters to be used. These are either replaced by other characters or encoded. A slash (/) is used as a path separator. For example, a file referred to as C:\Users\alice\Documents\My File.odt on the local host in "Windows notation" becomes file:///C:/Users/alice/Documents/My%20File.odt in URL notation.