Gardar como

Saves the current document in a different location, or with a different file name or file type.

Para acceder a esta orde...

Escolla Ficheiro - Gardar como

The following sections describe the LibreOffice Save as dialog. To activate the LibreOffice Open and Save dialog boxes, choose - LibreOffice- General, and then select the Use LibreOffice dialogs in the Open/Save dialogs area.

Icona Nota

To save a document as a template, use the command File - Templates - Save As Template.

Conectar a un servidor

Abre un diálogo onde pode configurar a conexión a varios tipos de servidores, incluíndo WebDAV, FTP, SSH, Windows Compartir e CMIS.

Subir un nivel

Mover cara a arriba un cartafol na xerarquía do cartafol. Manteña premido o botón do rato para ver os cartafoles de nivel superior.


Subir un nivel

Crear un cartafol novo

Crea un cartafol novo.


Crear un cartafol novo

Área Places

Displays "favourite" places, i.e. shortcuts to local or remote locations.

Área de visualización

Displays the files and folders in the folder that you are in.

Nome de ficheiro

Enter a file name or a path for the file. You can also enter a URL

Tipo de ficheiro

Select the file format for the document that you are saving. In the display area, only the documents with this file type are displayed. File types are described in Information on Import and Export Filters.

D'oh! You found a bug (text/shared/01/ref_pdf_export.xhp#ref_pdf_export not found).

Formatos de ficheiros XML

Icona Aviso

Always save your document in a LibreOffice file type before saving it to an external file type. When you export to an external file type, some formatting features may be lost.


Saves the file.

Gardar con contrasinal

Protects the file with a password that must be entered before a user can open the file.

Icona Nota

Only documents using the LibreOffice XML-based format can be saved with a password.

Editar configuración de filtro

Allows you to set the spreadsheet saving options for some types of data files.


Exports only the selected graphic objects in LibreOffice Draw and Impress to another format. If this box is not checked, the entire document is exported.

Icona Nota

Se exporta a calquera tipo de ficheiro de documento, expórtase todo o documento.