Barras de erro X/Y

Use the X or Y Error Bars dialog to display error bars for 2D charts.

Se hai un elemento seleccionado dunha serie de datos, esta orde actúa exclusivamente sobre esa serie de datos. Se non hai ningún elemento seleccionado, esta orde actúa sobre todas as series de datos.

Para acceder a esta orde...

Escolla Inserir - Barras de erro X ou Inserir - Barras de erro Y(Gráficas)

An error bar is an indicator line that spans over a range from x/y - NegativeErrorValue to x/y + PositiveErrorValue. In this term, x or y is the value of the data point. When "standard deviation" is selected, x or y is the mean value of the data series. NegativeErrorValue and PositiveErrorValue are the amounts calculated by the error bar function or given explicitly.

Icona Nota

The Insert - X/Y Error Bars menu command is only available for 2D charts.

Categoría de erro

In the Error category area, you can choose different ways to display the error category.


Non mostra ningunha barra de erro.

Valor constante

Displays constant values that you specify in the Parameters area.


Displays a percentage. The display refers to the corresponding data point. Set the percentage in the Parameters area.


Seleccione unha función para calcular as barras de erro.

Standard Error: Displays the standard error.

Variance: Displays the variance calculated from the number of data points and respective values.

Standard Deviation: Displays the standard deviation (square root of the variance). Unlike other functions, error bars are centered on the mean.

Error Margin: Displays the highest error margin in percent according to the highest value of the data group. Set the percentage in the Parameters area.

Intervalo de celas

Click Cell Range and then specify a cell range from which to take the positive and negative error bar values.

Dende a táboa de datos

For a chart with its own data, the error bar values can be entered in the chart data table. The Data Table dialog shows additional columns titled Positive X or Y-Error-Bars and Negative X or Y-Error-Bars.

Mesmo valor para ambos

Enable to use the positive error values also as negative error values. You can only change the value of the "Positive (+)" box. That value gets copied to the "Negative (-)" box automatically.

Indicador de erros

Indica o indicador de erros.

Positivo e negativo

Mostrar barras de erro positivas e negativas.


Mostrar barras de erro positivas e negativas.


Mostrar barras de erro positivas e negativas.