IPmt Function [VBA]

Calculates the periodic amortizement for an investment with regular payments and a constant interest rate.

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Esta función ou constante actívase coa instrución Option VBASupport 1 colocada antes do código de programa executábel dun módulo.


IPmt(Rate as Double, Per as Double, NPer as Double, PV as Double, [FV as Variant], [Due as Variant])

Valor de retorno:



Rate is the periodic interest rate.

Per is the period, for which the compound interest is calculated. Period=NPER if compound interest for the last period is calculated.

NPer is the total number of periods, during which annuity is paid.

PV is the present cash value in sequence of payments.

FV (optional) is the desired value (future value) at the end of the periods.

Due (optional) is the due date for the periodic payments.

0 - the payment is due at the end of the period;

1 - the payment is due at the beginning of the period.

Códigos de erro

5 Chamada de procedemento incorrecta


Sub ExampleIPmt

 Dim myIPmt As Double

 myIPmt = IPmt(0.05,5,7,15000)

 Print myIPmt ' returns -352.97 currency units. The compound interest during the fifth period (year) is 352.97 currency units.

End Sub