
Sisaldab töövahendeid õigekirja kontrollimiseks ja kujunduselementide lisamiseks dokumendile ning käske menüüde kohandamiseks ja rakenduse sätete muutmiseks.


Checks spelling manually.


Avab alammenüü, kus saab valida keelespetsiifilisi käske.

Sõnade arv

Counts the words and characters, with or without spaces, in the current selection and in the whole document. The count is kept up to date as you type or change the selection.

Peatükkide nummerdamine

Specifies the number format and the hierarchy for chapter numbering in the current document.


Adds or removes and formats line numbers in the current document. To exclude a paragraph from line numbering, click in the paragraph, choose Format - Paragraph, click the Numbering tab, and then clear the Include this paragraph in line numbering check box.


Specifies the display settings for footnotes and endnotes.

Bibliography Database

Insert, delete, edit, and organize records in the bibliography database.

Kirjakooste nõustaja

Käivitab kirjakooste nõustaja tüüpkirjade loomiseks või paljudele adressaatidele e-kirjade saatmiseks.


Sorts the selected paragraphs or table rows alphabetically or numerically. You can define up to three sort keys as well as combine alphanumeric and numeric sort keys.


Calculates the selected formula and copies the result to the clipboard.


Updates items in the current document that have dynamic contents, so as fields and indexes.

Meediafailide mängija

Opens the Media Player window where you can preview movie and sound files as well as insert these files into the current document.


Lets you record or organize and edit macros.

Laienduste haldur

The Extension Manager adds, removes, disables, enables, and updates LibreOffice extensions.

XML Filter Settings

Opens the XML Filter Settings dialog, where you can create, edit, delete, and test filters to import and to export XML files.

Automaatkorrektuuri sätted

Määrab kirjutamisel teksti automaatse asendamise sätted.


Creates, edits, or inserts AutoText. You can store formatted text, text with graphics, tables, and fields as AutoText. To quickly insert AutoText, type the shortcut for the AutoText in your document, and then press F3.


Customizes LibreOffice menus, context menus, shortcut keys, toolbars, and macro assignments to events.


Selle käsuga avatavas aknas saab kohandada kogu rakenduse seadistust.